We've created this webpage to offer up-to-date information on local services Christmas opening times, information and support.

We will not answer phone calls or emails until the team returns to the office but don't forget you can still share your views and experiences with us via email: enquiries@healthwatchwokingham.co.uk or using our online forms here.
Health information and advice over the festive season
Should you have a medical emergency during the festive season, please call 999.

NHS 111
Contact NHS 111 for all non-urgent medical help or advice, including mental health crisis support.
NHS 111 operates 24/7, including on Christmas Day and all bank holidays. You can call them for free on 111 or visit www.111.nhs.uk. You can also connect with them on the NHS app.
A video relay service is also available to make a video call to a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter should you need one.
Urgent /emergency dentistry
Below are details of the emergency dental service / out-of-hours information for Christmas and the New Year.
You can access these services by calling NHS 111 or the dental practices directly. Although these dental practices are not in the borough, you are still entitled to access any of these if you or a loved one has an urgent/dental emergency.

Your local pharmacy
Many local pharmacies will be closed or operating reduced hours throughout this period. However, there are still some pharmacies local to the borough you can visit if you want to speak to a pharmacist about any health concerns. These are listed below.
You can also use the 'Find a Pharmacy' NHS website to find a service that is open when you need it: nhs.uk/service-search/pharmacy/find-a-pharmacy
NHS 111 will also be able to provide this information.

Other information and advice
We have a range of advice and information pages, including local services that may help you and your loved ones, please click here. Also...
For safeguarding concerns contact the Wokingham Borough Council Adult Safeguarding Hub (ASH): 0118 974 6371
Cranstoun (Wokingham Borough domestic abuse service for victims and children) will be open from 9am - 5pm on weekdays, apart from Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day. When the office is closed, there will be a recorded out of hours service in place, which will be monitored but not to be used for an emergency or immediate response.
Other charities and organisations with support phone lines and services that stay open over Christmas/New Year, include:
Samaritans: Call 116 123
Lines are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Age UK Advice Line: 0800 678 1602
The free confidential national telephone service for older people, their families, friends and carers is open from 8am - 7pm, 365 days a year.