We’re delighted to be hosting our very first coffee morning for all residents across the borough next Tuesday.

It’s your chance to pop by and meet our engagement officers and other locals over a cup of tea or coffee, and other free refreshments if you're seeking advice, information or support on local health and social care services.
We are also here to hear your concerns, views and experiences (good or bad) about these services. This feedback will be shared anonymously with the leaders and decision-makers of the local health and social care services to make improvements for everyone. It's a great opportunity for you to have your voice heard and make a difference.
Everyone is welcome, including families. We have activities and toys for children.
You do not need to sign up to attend, just pop along from 11.30am onwards.
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. More future dates will be announced shortly.
Please pass this on to your friends, families and networks.
Contact details
You can contact us by email at enquiries@healthwatchwokingham.co.uk or by contacting the office on 0118 418 1418.