Make sure your medicine cabinet is well-stocked for Easter weekend!
You can help ease the pressure on local health services by making sure your medicine cabinet is fully stocked with the essentials, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, cold remedies, indigestion treatment and antihistamines, and by ordering repeat prescriptions in good time so that you don't run out.
Pharmacies will be open over the Easter holidays. Local pharmacy teams are highly specialised and can help with various issues.
They can provide advice on medication, help with your health condition and give you free face-to-face advice without an appointment. They can now treat 7 common conditions without you having to visit your GP first, read more about the new Pharmacy First Service.
You can also download the NHS App to take control of your health and stay well.
You can order repeat prescriptions on the app and nominate a pharmacy, saving you time and putting you in control of your health needs.

When to phone NHS 111
When you need medical help fast but it is not an emergency, visit NHS 111 or call the NHS free phone number 111.
The 111 service operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
If you contact 111, you will be assessed, given advice and, if needed, patients will be directed to the most appropriate local health services. Calls to 111 are free wherever you call from