What matters to you: survey results
Our latest survey is closed and the results are in. A big thank you to everyone across Wokingham Borough who completed our What Matters...
What matters to you: survey results
Join us at our Healthwatch Connect coffee mornings
Access to GP led services report: Wokingham Borough patient views (2021-2022)
Championing what matters to you - Healthwatch Wokingham Borough's annual report (2021-2022)
'What Matters Most' to Wokingham residents about health and care needs
Then and now - Healthwatch Wokingham Borough annual report (2020-2021)
Peoples experiences of services and information during the Covid-19 pandemic
GP websites - how easy is it to find information?
Guided by you - Healthwatch Wokingham Borough annual report (2019-2020)
Pharmacies and patients needing medication compliance aids